Emerging translators

With our focus on emerging translators, Translation House Looren provides programmes tailor-made to support early-career translators (of Swiss nationality or resident in Switzerland for at least three years). In cooperation with Swiss universities, we host translator dialogues and translation workshops, enabling insights into the world of literary translation and initial practical experience of translating literature. Our mentorships provide professional support for a first literary translation and seeking publishing opportunities. In conjunction with publishing houses, we organise events on editor-translator collaboration and first publishing contracts. Translators with their first publishing contract can apply for a residency grant as emerging translators. Last but not least, motivated emerging translators can take minutes at our professional workshops.

Translation House Looren organizes dialogue sessions at a number of Swiss universities, in which experienced translators working in various language combinations talk about their work and careers. These encounters can include a mini-workshop, where the participants work on their own short translations. We are always pleased to hear from teaching staff at literature faculties who would like to offer their students such a dialogue, for instance as part of a seminar. We ask interested students to make requests to their own faculties.

An editor and an experienced translator talk about their work together, sharing information on procedures inside publishing houses and what it takes to publish a translation project. How does a text I’d like to translate become a publication? How do I get my first publishing contract as a young translator? Our short workshops focus on questions like these about getting into translation, and take place partly at Swiss publishing houses.

With the university of Zürich, we regularly organize practice-oriented workshops on literary translation, led by professional literary translators. Advanced students from MA level gain insights over one or two days into translation careers, and learn concepts of translation theory and criticism. The workshops also pass on knowledge about the publishing world and the importance of translation in the literary industry. Before and during the workshop, the participants work on a first literary translation and receive professional feedback. Workshops are also open to external participants with initial translation experience. Contact Florence Widmer to ask about upcoming workshops.

One-week mentorships for early-career translators

Translation House Looren offers three one-week mentorships a year for early-career translators, preferably with a completed degree in an area related to languages, literature or translation, and initial translation experience. During the mentorship, the mentor and mentee spend a week together at Translation House Looren. The focus is on intensive translation work on a project of the mentee’s choice, and producing a presentation dossier for seeking a publisher.

The Max Geilinger Foundation supports one mentorship for translation from English into a Swiss national language every year. The other mentorships are supported by Pro Helvetia and must have a connection to Switzerland: anyone translating a work of Swiss literature or who is a Swiss citizen or has lived in Switzerland for at least three years can apply.

Mentors suitable for each project are usually selected by Translation House Looren, but applicants can also suggest their own preferred mentors. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Please submit:

  • CV
  • Proof of completed degree (in exceptional cases, translators with other qualifications may apply)
  • Proof o first experiences in literary translation (university seminar, published translations in journals or similar, other mentorships or support programmes)
  • Sample translation (10 to 15 pages)
  • Same pages of the original
  • Project description with translation issues and open questions
  • Motivation letter for a mentorship with a stay at Translation House Looren

One-semester mentorships for students from MA level

In cooperation with a number of universities, we organize one-semester mentorships that take place mainly online and include an intensive week working with the mentor at Translation House Looren.

  • University of Lausanne, Centre de traduction littéraire (CTL)
  • University of Geneva, Faculté de traduction et d’interpretation (FTI)
  • University of Zürich, Scandinavian studies
  • University of Zürich, Italian studies

The semester mentorships are announced by each of the above faculties and are open to enrolled students. The application process takes place directly via the universities with our close cooperation. If you are interested, please contact the individuals and offices listed in the calls for applications.

Every year, three motivated emerging translators have an opportunity to take minutes at a professional translation workshop. Ideally, they will have previously taken part in an emerging translator project with Translation House Looren. The minute-takers participate in an intensive one-week training programme on literary translation, taking part in the entire workshop and writing a summary of the text discussions as minutes. They see close-up how professional literary translators work, attend guest talks and excursions, and get a chance to make personal contacts within the translation world. 

This role is suited for beginner translators in at least their second year of an MA course, but preferably at graduate level with a completed MA in literature, languages or translation. 

Information on the professional translation workshops currently open for applications is available via our programme page. For more information on the role of minute-taker and how to apply, see here.

We offer three residency grants a year for emerging translators working on a first translation for a professional publishing house, who have a translation contract. Applications for a residency grant for a first translation supported by Pro Helvetia must have a connection to Switzerland: anyone translating a work of Swiss literature or who is a Swiss citizen or has lived in Switzerland for at least three years can apply.

To apply for a residency grant for a first translation, please use our online application form for residencies, and submit all the documents required there.

Are you interested in an emerging translator programme for your students?
Would you like to attend a workshop or apply for a mentorship?
We’re happy to advise you!
For information on our emerging translators programme, please contact Florence Widmer. florence.widmer@looren.net

Translation House Looren’s emerging translators programme is supported by the Swiss arts council Pro Helvetia and the Max Geilinger Foundation, and is a collaboration with the universities of Geneva and Zürich and the Centre de traduction littéraire in Lausanne, which offers specialist training for literary translation (Programme de spécialisation de traduction littéraire).

29 Sep –
02 Oct

Workshop in literarischer Übersetzung Deutsch-Italienisch



Der Workshop findet im Vorfeld des Literaturfestivals «Lettere dalla Svizzera alla Valposchiavo» statt. Das Festival findet im Anschluss vom 3. bis 5. Oktober in Poschiavo statt.

Organisation und Leitung: Profiübersetzerin Anna Ruchat

Der Kurs umfasst sowohl die Übersetzung von Auszügen deutschsprachiger Schreibenden, die am Festival zu Gast sein werden, als auch Zeit und Raum vor Ort für die Übersetzung und Neuübersetzung von Klassikern. Der Kurs findet vor Ort statt und sieht eine öffentliche Lesung zumindest eines Teils der bearbeiteten Texte vor. Maximal acht Kandidierende werden zugelassen und arbeiten an Texten von Schreibenden zwischen dem 3. und 5. Oktober 2025 anwesend sein werden. Wer sich bewirbt muss Kurse in Zusammenhang mit der Übersetzung besucht haben und/oder bereits in einem beliebigen Bereich Übersetzungen ausgeführt haben.

Die Bewerbungen sind bis zum 1. Mai per E-Mail einzureichen an: begona.feijoofarina@lettereallavalposchiavo.ch und müssen in einer einzigen pdf-Datei folgende Dokumente enthalten:

- Lebenslauf (mit Geburtsdatum)

- Motivationsschreiben (max. 2000 Zeichen)

- Ziele, die mit der Teilnahme erreicht werden wollen (max. 2000 Zeichen)

Die zugelassenen Personen werden bis spätestens am 1. Juli 2025 persönlich benachrichtigt.


Bando di concorso italiano