Looren Translation Grants 2019

Sung Woong Choi, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Looren Translation Grants 2019
French, German, Spanish > Korean
Sung Woong Choi translates mainly poetry, from French, German and Spanish into Korean, including works by Paul Valéry, Arthur Rimbaud, Émile Faguet, Edmond Jabès and Rainer Maria Rilke. He was born in Seoul; since 2018 he has lived in Buenos Aires. At Translation House Looren he will be working on his translation of Philippe Jaccottet’s Paysages avec figures absentes.

Fuminari Niimoto, Tokyo, Japan
Looren Translation Grants 2019
2019 Carl Holenstein Grant
German > Japanese
Fuminari Niimoto translates from German to Japanese, focussing on Swiss authors, especially Robert Walser, whose five-volume collected works he edited and co-translated. Alongside this he has translated books by Ilma Rakusa, Hermann Burger, Erica Pedretti and Jürg Halter into Japanese. He is professor at the Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda University, Tokyo. At Translation House Looren he will be working on his translation of Robert Walser’s Poetenleben.

Megumi Wakabayashi, Tokyo, Japan
Looren Translation Grants 2019
2019 Regula Renschler Grant
German > Japanese
Megumi Wakabayashi is a professor at Tokyo Gakugei University. Her research focus is Swiss-German literature, especially the work of Robert Walser, who she has co-translated. She has also translated books by Erika Burkart and will be working at Translation House Looren on her translation of Robert Walser’s Vor Bildern.